Thursday, 16 May 2013

This and that Thursday

Following on from the trial block in KF scraps, I improvised and turned it into a great cusion with a recycled denim shirt front for the back!

I also put together the blocks of odd charm pack leftovers

Not sure what to turn this into, I dont think it is really baby quilt fabric. Any ideas??


Sunday, 12 May 2013

Check this out...

Can't believe the weather has gone pear shaped again! Even got the heating on !

Had a very non sewing week, waiting for inspiration, as sometimes happens ! then wham-
saw this blog by dutch comfort and decided to give HST a go! Always been wary of the stretch element in this block- however, the half square method is great and a lot safer! ( its the one where you sew two squares right sides together, sew a seam 1/4 inch either side of the mid line diagonally, which you can mark with a pencil or iron into fabric on topby folding it in half diagonally.

Mmmm, nice with KF fabrics! 

Then looked through my stash and found an old charm pack of Paisley and Plaid homespun, so decided to give  that a go-

Its only small but will make a baby quilt I think with some borders added. 

I wonder what my next project will be?

Off to watch The Suspicions of Mr Whicher xx

Monday, 6 May 2013

May meanderings.....

Well, what a beautiful bank holiday! The sun has been shining , I have been on a day trip thro Dorset and  Somerset on a visit to Stourhead, a wonderful National Trust property in Wiltshire, with my daughter Sarah

The gardens at Stourhead.

The beautiful Regency house.

Recognise Gold Hill? from the Hovis adverts! It is in Shaftsbury.

On the sewing front- not much done this week- however I am in love with this cute baby quilt top in Oh Deer fabric from Moda.

Cant wait to back this one! 

And finally, a few pics of the lovely crinkly edge tulip in my garden at the moment.
