Thursday, 27 March 2014

Candy Crush -the saga!

I have been neglecting my  blog recently, and I have to admit that it is my addiction to Candy crush that is partly responsible! That said, I am still sewing away on a reguilar basis and have also started swimming! 3 weeks ago , following my lovely spa break with my sister, I was inspired to start swimming again. I joined the local pool and managed a paltry 10 lengths (25 metre pool) with a stop every couple of lengths.... now I am swimming 64 lengths ie 1 mile, 2 to 3 times a week! I am so chuffed with myself!

So what have I been sewing? Liberty is still top of my favourites at the moment, hence I have made a couple of baby quilts and quilted them by hand -one is pictures here.

Since I started swimming, I have been looking for the right bag to carry my stuff in! Of all the bags in my collection, of course I didnt have just the right one! So I got out my favourite Japanese Echino fabrics and made one ! Very happy with the outcome, especially as it didnt have a pattern.

Great news last week- my very talented daughter has a new job from July  as a lecturer back at Bournemouth Arts institute teaching the very degree that she took 12 years ago in Costume! I am so pleased for her, it is just the job she has always wanted. 

This is the second liberty baby quilt, I love how the handquilting makes the back look like an old fashioned eiderdown, and its nice and puffy.  

The shirt recyle pile is growing, must start something soon- I am thinking log cabins??

The stockpile of pin cushions is also growing, should really list these on Etsy!

Next baby quilt on the way- 

tulips for Mothers Day-gorgeous!

I must apologise to several of the bloggers I follow- I read the posts avidly but then dont get round to commenting- will try harder in future-keep them coming!


1 comment:

  1. For someone who's addicted to candycrush you've been very busy indeed! I love your quilts - so much gorgeousness! And well done on the swimming. Blimey, I can just manage 20 lengths once a week and often not even that. Oh dear. Xx
